BUS 300 Week 3 Quiz 2 Chapters 3 and 4
This pack of BUS 300 Week 3 Quiz 2 Chapters 3 and 4 includes:
________ is a role played by media and public relations professionals.Feedback is critical to communication because from itThe “father of the communication satellite” isWhen the media use terms, such as Gen-Xers, policy wonks, bankers, and feminist, they are resorting to usingPat Jackson’s models of communication for public relations emphasizedThe overall study of how communication is used to direct and control is calledWhich of the following is critical to the communication process?Andy picked up a brochure at the checkout counter in a sporting goods store because the cover had what appeared to be a logo for his favorite team. Upon a closer look, he realized the logo was for a team in a different sport, a sport he did not follow. He interpreted the message incorrectly because ofTypical goals for communication includeWhich of the following is true about public relations models introduced by Grunig& Hunt?The professor listened to the student’s explanation why the paper was late. The student claimed that the campus-wide computer system crashed overnight. Upon checking, the professor confirmed what the student had said, illustrating that a message initiallyProfessor Everett Rogers is associated with which of the following theory of communication?Which of the following does NOT pertain to Wikipedia?The reason opinion leaders are targeted as primary receivers for critical messages isWhich of the following occurs if a message is coherent?Most public relations programs are said to be designedUsing your experiences, especially when they reflect how you’ve overcome obstacles, is an appeal based largely onIf your parents have owned only SUVs since you can recall, when you go to purchase your first vehicle as a new parent, it is likely that you will first consider buying an SUV because your attitude has been influenced most by the ________ characteristic.Social judgment theory suggestsTo indicate what your organization believes about a clean environment, you need to provide indisputableIn the 21st century, ________ is a front-line responsibility of public relations.From classic persuasion theory, we learn that a person who skims the surface and doesn’t focus on the intricacies of an argument isFor the longest time, scholars believed attitudes wereGoogle, The Coca-Cola Company, and Microsoft Corporation have”Being all you can be” is what Abraham Maslow would likely describe as fulfilling the ________ need.Which of the following is NOT a prediction made by futurist John Naisbitt in his book, Megatrends 2000?Political activist Saul Alinsky said that if you expect to persuade peopleAs a general rule, those who examine public opinion recognize thatIn the hierarchy of needs theory, the second level focuses onThe ________ model tackles what motivates people to change their attitude..