Business and Management
May 29th, 2022
- 1500 words, Single spaced
- Business and Management
Dollar General – describe their business strategy and assess their current performance
You will find the firm’s most recent 10-K report in Sakai in the Case Assignments folder. Everything you need is available within the 10-K; however, it is okay if you want to do additional research but be sure you cite/reference your sources.
Your task is to
1) Identify and describe the firm’s business strategy using the strategy template. Follow the order/structure of the template and use the terms explicitly.
2) Assess and describe the firm’s performance using the approach described in the performance analysis template. Follow the order/structure of the template and use the terms explicitly. You may, at your discretion, go beyond the template approach and offer other analyses of performance to support your final conclusions.
For this and all case memos/reports:
*Be, and communicate, as an ANALYST not a REPORTER.
– DO: Provide a structure to your memo (use headers and not just long uninterrupted text)
– DO: Use the terms from the course/templates
– DO: Ensure you provide adequate detail to explain your answers/conclusions. Be careful with being too
brief and giving simple bullet-point answers that cannot be accurately interpreted
– DO: Make and support an argument for conclusions – explain why; provide and refer to the underlying
data/analysis that led you to your conclusion
!!! Note from the professor:
he does not want NO REPORTS, NO BACKGROUND INFORMATION, NO TERMS DEFINED, Terminology or process, no irrelevant words to fill the paper – none!
Please, cite everything and use references.
-instructions, templates and sourcesADDITIONAL ORDER COMMENTS FOR ASSIGNED WRITER
All papers are subject to plagiarism review via TURNITIN. Do not copy others’
wording! Use quotes and proper citations if you use direct content. DO YOUR
OWN WORK.Submission of plagiarized material may result in ZERO grade, an
Færadeforthe course, and reporting to the University.Don’t take any
chances—be deliberate in your citations and putting things in your own
Attachments area