Explain how are these Business subjects are implemented your work experience.
Try to google it on DevOps (Development and Operations) in Software Engineering and explain each and every subject below, how you can parallely work and study in MSITM (Masters in IT management), how you implement these subjects in your work life. In minimum of 3 papers. (PFA for sample)
BA 602 Management Information Systems
BA 606 Team Management
BA 625 Negotiation and Conflict Mgt.
BA 631 Project Management
BA 632 Information System Security
BA 633 Information System Infrastructure
BA 635 Disaster Recovery Planning
BA 634 Current & Emerging Technology
BA 636 Cyberlaw, Regulations, & Compliance
Work experience (DevOps Engineer):
Roles and responsibilities
- Involve in Technical Analysis,Development Support and Deployment of highly complex Internet application projects.
- Develop Monitoring code and designed continual updates in Medusa and Sensu utilizing a thorough understanding of Java, J2EE technologies.
- Automation code configurations and maintain GIT repositories for DevOps environment.
- Managed server clusters ranging from Tomcat, Couchbase, Storm, Kafka, Zookeeper and MySQL.
- Provide performance measures, metrics and acceptance criteria for application and database testing.
- Perform Defect Analysis or Root Cause Analysis (RCA) by debugging and analyzing the AppServer Log files for the root cause of issues.
- Work within Cloud environment for integration processes through Devops in Organization.
- Setup Alerts for critical environment’s and maintained monitoring on call schedule to team using Xmatter’s and PagerDuty.
- Implemented Uptime monitoring solution increasing service level overall using PagerDuty implementation
- Analyze and Report the test results for every build Release.
- Provide sign-off for Continuous Delivery cycles in QA,Production environment.
References on Devops roles and responsibilities in software engineering: