homework question philosophy
1.Paraphrase and then symbolize each of the following sentences, indicating which sentences the sentence letters you use symbolize.
a. Bob isn’t a marathon runner.
c. If Carol is a jogger she is also a marathon runner.
e. Carol will run in the Boston marathon if and only if Albert does.
g. Either Carol or Albert will run in the Boston marathon.
2.Paraphrase and then symbolize each of the following sentences, indicating which sentences the sentence letters you use symbolize.
a. If Felice vacations in Bermuda so will Clarence.
c. Veronica will vacation in Bermuda if Felice does.
e. Veronica will vacation in Bermuda provided that Clarence will.
Paraphrase and then symbolize each of the following sentences, indicating which sentences the sentence letters you use symbolize.
a.Yolanda will go to the movies, and so will Zach.
b.Zach will go to the moves, but Xavier will not.
c.Yolanda will go to the movies, if either Zach or Xavier will go. (This is hard! Look at where the “if” is placed in the sentence.
)d.Zach and Xavierwill go to the movies if Yolanda will also go
.e.It’s not the case that both Yolanda and Zach will go to the movies.
f.Neither Yolanda nor Zach will go to the movies.
g.Xavier will go to the movies, but neither Yolanda nor Zach will go.
h.Yolanda will go to the movies only if both Zach and Xavier go.(This is hard! Look at how “only if” is symbolized.)
i.Yolanda will go to the movies only if neither go.
j.Zach won’t go to the movies unless Yolanda goes. (This is hard! Look at how “unless” is symbolized.)