HUM2051: Civ 1: Ancient-Medieval, Spring 2021, Sect. 02
Self-Evaluation #3 End-of-Term Performance Assessment. Please use the following questions as a guide in writing a bullet-point essay that critically assesses your efforts and progress in this course with respect to you original and revised goals and Action Plan. Please answer all the questions/prompts.
There is 10 questions to answer.
1- Which objectives were successful in accomplishing? For any objectives you were unable to accomplish, self-assess and do your best to explain why. Were your original objectives realistic? Why or why not? If you had to do it again, what objectives would you have stated in Self-Evaluation #1?
2) Review and evaluate your (revised) Action Plan. Describe how you used your (revised) Action Plan to accomplish your goals this term. How accurately did you understand your commitments at the beginning of this semester? Was your (revised) Action Plan sufficient? Realistic? Describe any changes you made to your plan over the term, and what you learned from the Action Plan / Self-evaluation exercise.
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